Following the announcement concerning preventative measures taken to tackle the spread of COVID-19 and in light of recent developments and evaluation, the government of the Republic of Cyprus has announced among others, new measures concerning the operation of hotels where all hotel establishments within the Republic of Cyprus are required to remain closed between 21st March until 30th April 2020 (both dates inclusive)
In view of this, we are required to inform all our guests, that all of our Constantinou Bros Hotels will be closed for operation between the above dates and request that you proceed with all the relevant arrangements, thus ensuring flights are arranged/amended so as to depart by the 21st March 2020.
There may be a possibility that consolidation arrangements may be made prior to the above date which may affect current in-house residents.
We will of course evaluate and keep you updated on all developments related to this matter, along with any changes to the protocols or withdrawal of these measures.
On a more positive note and in our attempt to assist our esteemed guests, until 31st October 2020, all cancellation fees will be waived, thus giving our guests the flexibility to re-book for a later stage.
Assuring you of our best attention at all times